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Article 47

No: M/21 Date(g): 1/11/2017 | Date(h): 12/2/1439

Effective from 2017-11-07 - Nov 06 2017
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Whoever provides, raises, collects, and receives funds or allocates, transfers, converts , acquires them, or calls for contributing such funds in any manner, directly or indirectly, from a legitimate or illegitimate sources- with the intention that they should be used or in the knowledge that they are to be use wholly or in part for committing a terrorist offence, inside or outside the Kingdom or they are related to it or they will be used by a terrorist entity or a terrorist for whatever purpose, even if the crime has not occurred or the funds have not been used, shall be sentenced to no more than fifteen-year prison term and no less than a five-year term. If the doer has exploited, for this purpose, the facilities empowered to him by his job capacity or his professional activity or social standing, the punishment shall not be less a ten-year prison term.