Book traversal links for Article 39
Article 39
No: M/21 | Date(g): 1/11/2017 | Date(h): 12/2/1439 |
Effective from 2017-11-02 - Nov 06 2017
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Whoever smuggles any weapons, ammunitions, explosives, nuclear or chemical, biological, radiant or poisonous materials, or any burning devices, any wire or wireless or electronic communication mediums, or manufactures develops, assembles, prepares imports acquires or possesses them, or smuggles any of the raw materials or devices used in manufacturing, preparing and providing them, or transporting them through post parcels, public and private transport means or any other means with the intention of their use in committing any of the crimes state in this Law, shall be punished by no more than a twenty-five-years prison terms or no less than a fifteen-year term.