Book traversal links for استحداث مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية وتعديل البيانات الاحترازية للمنشآت الصغيرة والمتوسطة ومتناهية الصغر
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises KPI Return
No: 381000094106 | Date(g): 31/5/2017 | Date(h): 6/9/1438 |
Effective from Jan 01 2018 - Dec 31 2017
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Referring to the Central Bank circular No. 381000064902 dated 16/6/1438 AH, regarding the Central Bank's adoption of the definition set by the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises, which includes micro-enterprises, employee count criteria, and an increase in the revenue classification criteria for types of enterprises. We inform you that the Central Bank has developed key performance indicators and modified data related to small and medium enterprises, along with a list of answers to frequently asked questions on the subject as per the attached appendices:
Appendix (1): Introduction of quarterly key performance indicators linked to the precautionary data of small and medium and micro-enterprises to monitor financial and non-financial indicators related to loans and deposits of these enterprises.
Appendix (2): Establishment of a new group for micro-enterprises and modification of data for small and medium enterprises (Data: Q18).
Appendix (3): Guideline notes regarding the modified data in Q18.
Please note that these requirements will take effect from January 1, 2018G.
Under the circular No. 391000007761 dated 22/01/1439 AH, the Central Bank has introduced a report that includes quantitative and qualitative data about small and medium enterprises for banks to add to the annual report for the Board of Directors starting from 2017, as attached in Appendix (I) of the mentioned circular, and included Appendix (II) which contains a list of answers to frequently asked questions on the subject.