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Immediate Response to Any Sudden Power or Communication Disruption in ATMs
No: 361000145680 | Date(g): 2/9/2015 | Date(h): 19/11/1436 |
Translated Document
Referring to what SAMA recently observed regarding the weak response of some banks to reports of malfunctions related to sudden power or communication disruption in ATMs, and the cash remaining inside the machines for long periods.
Accordingly, SAMA stresses to all banks to respond immediately to any of these cases, and to work on the safety of cash and not to leave it in ATMs for more than 24 hours in the event that it is not possible to resolve problems related to electricity, communications and technical malfunctions.
We also hope that you will inform the relevant departments and your affiliated entities to implement this, act accordingly and include it in your internal procedures as of this date.
SAMA will verify the extent of compliance with these instructions.