Bayan Credit Bureau
No: 381000058506 | Date(g): 27/2/2017 | Date(h): 1/6/1438 |
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Effective from 2017-02-27 - Feb 26 2017
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Based on the Credit Information Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/37) dated 05/07/1429 H and its implementing regulations issued by the decision of the Governor No. A Q/13709 dated 22/09/1432 H, and referring to the license granted to Bayan Credit Bureau under decision No. 2/37 dated 23/09/1437 H to practice credit information activities.
Accordingly, we hope to cooperate with Bayan Credit Bureau by sharing credit information for the commercial establishments sector, which will enhance the level of transparency in this sector and assist in assessing the financial obligations and creditworthiness of companies operating in this sector.