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Amendment of Rule 300.1.5.3 of Rules for Bank Accounts

No: 43074912 Date(g): 29/3/2022 | Date(h): 26/8/1443

Effective from 2022-03-29 - Mar 28 2022
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In reference to Rule No. (300-1-5-3) regarding family trusts included within the banking account regulations, communicated pursuant to  Circular of the Saudi Central Bank No. (65681/67) dated 01/11/1440 Hijri.It looks like you've provided only a period without any text to translate. Could you please provide the text you would like to have translated into English?

I would like to inform you about the amendment of the base requirements mentioned above by excluding the requirement to obtain copies of the identification cards of the founder(s) when opening bank accounts for family funds, according to the attached format.

Amendment of the requirements for Rule No. (300-1-5-3) pertaining to family funds.

  • Family Funds:

Bank accounts for these institutions (family funds) are opened exclusively in Saudi Riyals as follows:

  1. A letter from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees or an authorized representative to the bank where the account is to be opened, clearly specifying the purpose of opening the account.
  2. A copy of the license issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.
  3. A copy of the fund's basic statute.
  4. A copy of the resolution forming the Board of Trustees, and copies of the members’ IDs.
  5. The account is managed with a joint signature from at least two individuals, one of whom must be the Chairman of the Board of Trustees or the Deputy Chairman, and the Financial Supervisor (primary signature). A decision by the Board of Trustees allows for the delegation of two of its members or leaders of the executive management who hold Saudi nationality to manage the account, subject to the approval of the minister or his delegate.
  6. Disbursement from the fund is made according to the mechanisms and conditions stipulated in the fund's basic regulations.
  7. It is permissible to accept funds, donations, bequests, alms, and subscriptions (if any) from the founders and family members only, provided that the bank obtains a declaration from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees affirming compliance with this requirement.
  8. The fund is allowed to invest its money according to the provisions of the fund's bylaws.
  9. These funds are not allowed to be transferred at all or to issue bank or personal checks outside the Kingdom.
  10. Approval of the Compliance Management Director for opening the account.