Book traversal links for إلغاء متطلب الختم الرسمي للمؤسسات و الشركات على المستندات و الأوراق المقدمة عند التعاملات التمويلية
Cancellation of the Requirement for Official Seals on Documents and Papers Submitted for Financing Transactions
No: 381000056756 | Date(g): 21/2/2017 | Date(h): 25/5/1438 | Status: In-Force |
Effective from 2017-02-21 - Feb 20 2017
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In reference to the Ministry of Commerce and Investment letter No. (23475) dated 05/05/1438 H, which refers to Ministerial Decision No. (22895) dated 03/05/1438 H, amending Ministerial Decision No. (817) dated 19/07/1417 H regarding the identification of certificates, documents, and papers issued and certified by the chambers of commerce and industry in the Kingdom. The decision included the removal of the requirement for an official stamp to authenticate certificates, documents, and papers issued by private sector entities. Additionally, referring to the Ministry of Commerce and Investment letter No. (16266) dated 28/03/1438 H, which cites the Royal Order No. (11154) dated 29/02/1437 H, approving the recommendations of the Economic and Development Affairs Council regarding the competitiveness of the Kingdom's investment environment, and the proposed recommendations to enhance competitiveness and facilitate the commencement of business activities, including the cancellation of the official stamp requirement for institutions and companies.
It has been noted that some financing companies are requesting the official stamp of institutions and companies on the documents submitted during financing transactions, despite there being no regulatory requirement for this, which negatively impacts the competitiveness of the investment environment in the Kingdom.
Therefore, the Central Bank emphasizes to licensed financing companies that they should not request the official stamp of institutions and companies on the documents submitted during financing transactions, without compromising the requirements of the Know Your Customer principle.