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Article 75

No: 361000090389 Date(g): 15/4/2015 | Date(h): 26/6/1436

Effective from 2015-04-15 - Apr 14 2015
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The term “notice of account statement error/disputed transaction" means a notification given by a Cardholder to the Card Issuer, using the contact information as included within the said account statement or other information supplied by the Card Issuer, and it must meet the following requirements:

a.It must be received by the Card Issuer no later than 30 Calendar Days after the Cardholder had mailed or delivered the first account statement which contains the account statement error.
b.The notice shall enable the Card Issuer to identify the Cardholder’s name and account number, and indicate, to the extent possible, the Cardholder’s reasons for believing that an account statement error exists, the nature of such error, the transaction details including posting date and amount related to the error.
c. If the card holder is proven to having being engaged in any fraud behaviours relating to the disputed transactions, and if the card holder refuses to provide relevant necessary materials for the investigation of the disputed transaction, the Card Issuer shall have no liability for the disputed transactions.
d. If an unauthorised transaction or fraud occurs after the Cardholder has notified the Card Issuer by telephone of the loss or theft of the card, then the Card Issuer will bear the responsibility for the amount of the unauthorized transaction or fraud.