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d. Obligations of Whistle Blowers

No: 722200000067 Date(g): 5/8/2019 | Date(h): 4/12/1440 Status: In-Force

A whistle blower shall:

  1. ensure credibility in reporting by avoiding rumors and allegations that are not based on facts, and report whenever real and reasonable information indicating a suspicion of violations is found; 
  2.  avoid malicious reports aimed at defaming others, taking reprisal or retaliation against them, or undermining confidence in the financial institution, its employees or stakeholders; 
  3.  exercise due diligence by ensuring accuracy in reporting, providing all necessary details relating to the case reported, and attaching all documents containing details and evidence as required by the nature of the violation; 
  4.  report violations as soon as possible; 
  5.  maintain full confidentiality of the report for the good of the financial institution; and 
  6.  bear the responsibility for malicious allegations that defame or damage the financial institution or any of its employees or stakeholders.