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Periodic Reports to the Audit Committee

No: 43037826 Date(g): 1/12/2021 | Date(h): 26/4/1443 Status: In-Force

Effective from 2021-12-01 - Nov 30 2021
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58-The internal audit unit should prepare periodic reports on its reviews and submit them to the Audit Committee. The committee, in turn, should submit these reports directly and independently to the board without any revisions from the executive management or any other source. The reports should, at a minimum, include:
  1-58A quarterly report: This should include an assessment of the internal control system of the units reviewed, the findings and recommendations related to the work units audited, the actions taken by each unit regarding the findings and recommendations from the previous review, and an explanation of the status of findings not addressed by the executive management. It should also detail instances of failure to respond promptly to those findings and recommendations, along with the reasons for such failures.
  2-582-58 An annual general (comprehensive) report: This should include an assessment of the bank's internal control system and the audit activities conducted during the financial year compared to the approved plan. It should also state the reasons for any shortcomings or deviations from the plan, if any, within a deadline not exceeding the end of the following quarter after the end of the relevant financial year, or according to the dates in the approved annual plan.