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Central Counterparties

No: 44047144 Date(g): 27/12/2022 | Date(h): 4/6/1444 Status: In-Force

Effective from Jan 01 2023 - Dec 31 2022
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8.3.Regardless of whether a central counterparty (CCP) is classified as a qualifying CCP (QCCP), a bank retains the responsibility to ensure that it maintains adequate capital for its exposures. Under Pillar 2, a bank should consider whether it might need to hold capital in excess of the minimum capital requirements if, for example:
 (1)its dealings with a CCP give rise to more risky exposures;
 (2)where, given the context of that bank’s dealings, it is unclear that the CCP meets the definition of a QCCP; or
 (3)an external assessment such as an International Monetary Fund Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) has found material shortcomings in the CCP or the regulation of CCPs, and the CCP and/or the CCP regulator have not since publicly addressed the issues identified.
8.4.Where the bank is acting as a clearing member, the bank should assess through appropriate scenario analysis and stress testing whether the level of capital held against exposures to a CCP adequately addresses the inherent risks of those transactions. This assessment will include potential future or contingent exposures resulting from future drawings on default fund commitments, and/or from secondary commitments to take over or replace offsetting transactions from clients of another clearing member in case of this clearing member defaulting or becoming insolvent.
8.5.A bank must monitor and report to senior management, the appropriate committee of the Board, or the delegated authority of the board on a regular basis all of its exposures to CCPs, including exposures arising from trading through a CCP and exposures arising from CCP membership obligations such as default fund contributions.
8.6.Where a bank is clearing derivative, SFT and/or long settlement transactions through a QCCP as defined in Chapter 3 of this framework, then paragraphs 8.7 to 8.40 will apply. In the case of non-qualifying CCPs, paragraphs 8.41 and 8.42 will apply. Within three months of a CCP ceasing to qualify as a QCCP, unless SAMA requires otherwise, the trades with a former QCCP may continue to be capitalized as though they are with a QCCP. After that time, the bank’s exposures with such a CCP must be capitalized according to paragraphs 8.41 and 8.42.