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9. Retrospective Disclosures, Disclosure of Transitional Metrics and Reporting Periods

No: 44047144 Date(g): 27/12/2022 | Date(h): 4/6/1444

Effective from Jan 01 2023 - Dec 31 2022
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 9.1In templates which require the disclosure of data points for current and previous reporting periods, the disclosure of the data point for the previous period is not required when a metric for a new standard is reported for the first time unless this is explicitly stated in the disclosure requirement.
 9.2Unless otherwise specified in the disclosure templates, when a bank is under a transitional regime permitted by the standards, the transitional data should be reported unless the bank already complies with the fully loaded requirements. Banks should clearly state whether the figures disclosed are computed on a transitional or fully-loaded basis. Where applicable, banks under a transitional regime may separately disclose fully-loaded figures in addition to transitional metrics.
 9.3Unless otherwise specified in the disclosure templates, the data required for annual, semiannual and quarterly disclosures should be for the corresponding 12-month, six-month and three-month period, respectively.