Book traversal links for 9. Contract Signed Between Entity and Consumer
9. Contract Signed Between Entity and Consumer
Effective from 2023-05-21 - May 21 2023
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The entity shall draw up a contract between the entity and the consumer in accordance with the relevant legal requirements. Each party shall receive a copy of the contract that must clarify, at least, the following: | |
9.1 | Contract parties. |
9.2 | Contract scope. |
9.3 | Contract term. |
9.4 | Desired type of finance, its duration, specifications — if any — and requirements. |
9.5 | Rights and obligations of the contract parties. |
9.6 | Pricing and fee structure. |
9.7 | Withdrawal procedures and conditions. |
9.8 | Dispute resolution mechanism. |
9.9 | Contract termination and expiration. |
9.10 | Any other data or information required by SAMA. |