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2.2 Scope of EWS Process

Effective from Jan 06 2020 - Jun 30 2020
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The EWS process is organized in three stages: identification, action, and monitoring. Each of these stages is described in detail in the following sections. The timeline for implementing actions included in each of these stages is explained in section 2.3.

1Signal IdentificationResponsibility for establishing parameters for signals and monitoring resides in a separate unit or function within risk management, middle or back office.
Upon identification of a signal, notification is sent to the respective relationship manager and his team leader that action is required to close the EWS breach.


Relationship Manager contacts the borrower and identifies the source and magnitude of a potential payment difficulty.
After analysis and in consultation with risk management, a corrective action plan is put in place.
A loan is added to the watch list prepared on the basis of EWS for the purposes of further monitoring.
3MonitoringRisk management approval required to remove the loan from watch list prepared on the basis of EWS.
A loan can remain on watch list for a time period specified by the bank. After that period, loan must be either returned to originating unit or transferred to Workout Unit.
While on the watch list, a loan should be classified with a lower risk rating compared to the one prior to moving to the watch list.