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The Approval of the Property Document Issued by the Economic Cities Authority

No: 71844/99 Date(g): 4/8/2019 | Date(h): 3/12/1440 Status: In-Force

Effective from 2019-08-04 - Aug 03 2019
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Further to Circular by the Central Bank No. 53148/M and 25450/A dated 6/12/1433 AH addressed to banks operating in the Kingdom and Circular of the Central Bank No. 361000110001 dated 13/8/1436 AH addressed to real estate financing companies operating in the Kingdom, the two articles stipulate "The Approval of the Property Document Issued by the Economic Cities Authority".

Accordingly, the Central Bank wishes to emphasize to banks and real estate financing companies operating in the Kingdom that The Property Document Issued by the Economic Cities Authority for any property or land owner within the economic cities should be approved, as an official ownership document, equivalent to the title deed approved outside the economic cities.