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3. Loans to Corporates

No: 420092840000 Date(g): 6/10/2020 | Date(h): 19/2/1442 Status: In-Force

Effective from Jan 01 2020 - Sep 30 2020
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 3.1Public Non- Financial Corporates:
  Loans to commercial entities in which the Saudi Government or Entities Connected with Saudi Government owns (directly or indirectly) 50% or more of shareholdings. An example guidance list in Annexure - 3.
 3.2Large Corporates, 3.3 Medium, 3.4 Small and 3.5 Micro Enterprises:
  Defined as per SAMA circular No.381000064902 dated 16/06/1438 or any subsequent definition by SAMA.
 3.6Kafalah Guaranteed Loans:
  Loan to enterprises guaranteed by Kafalah fund and must be excluded from being reported in Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises rows.
 3.7Commercial Real Estate:
  Commercial mortgage or commercial real estate loan to finance a commercial real estate asset. These must be excluded from being reported in Large Corporates, Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises Loans rows.
 3.8Other Businesses:
  Includes any other loans not already classified in above categories.