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4. Retail Loans

No: 420092840000 Date(g): 6/10/2020 | Date(h): 19/2/1442 Status: In-Force
 4.1Consumer Loans:
  Loans to individuals and households, granted on the following basis:
  Granted by the creditor to a borrower as a secondary activity for the borrower, i.e. outside the scope of the borrower's principal commercial or professional activity. It would generally include personal loans, overdraft facilities, car loans, payment card loans, etc.
  To finance purchase of goods and services for consumption and other such requirements of individuals as identified above e.g. to purchase furniture, household items, home improvement, vacations, education, etc.
 4.2Credit Cards:
  Outstanding credit card balances. W.A rate must reported based on contractual Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for this category.
 4.3Mortgages or Housing Loans:
  Mortgage or Housing loan to finance a real estate asset. These must be excluded from being reported in Consumer Loans rows.
 4.4Other Loans:
  Any other loan not already classified in above categories.