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Final Provisions
No: 44069265 | Date(g): 21/3/2023 | Date(h): 29/8/1444 | Status: In-Force |
Effective from Jul 15 2023 - Jul 14 2023
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1.These instructions are considered a minimum standard for what the bank must do to ensure due diligence in customer care and handle complaints and inquiries efficiently and with high quality. They are closely related to the principles and rules for protecting financial institution customers.
2.Without prejudice to the provisions outlined in the internal audit principles for local banks operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as the compliance principles for banks and commercial institutions operating in the Kingdom; the management must undergo annual review and audit by the Internal Audit Department and the Compliance Department.
3.The management must obtain and renew annually the Customer Complaint Management System certification (ISO 10002), in addition to applying the international standard (ISO 10004) related to measuring and monitoring customer satisfaction.
4.These instructions replace the controls for establishing complaint units issued under the Central Bank circular number (351000145194) dated 26/11/1435 AH.
5.All provisions of these instructions shall be effective from the date 15/07/2023.