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4. Department Personnel and Their Qualifications

No: 44069265 Date(g): 21/3/2023 | Date(h): 29/8/1444 Status: In-Force

Effective from Jul 15 2023 - Jul 14 2023
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1-4 The bank must employ an appropriate number of staff in the department and its units, commensurate with the number of customers, products, services provided by the bank, and the volume of complaints. An analytical capacity study (Capacity Analysis) should be conducted at least once a year.

2-4 The department manager and staff must have sufficient knowledge and experience in customer care. They should, at a minimum, hold certifications in basic retail banking and credit advisory. The bank is also required to continuously train them through relevant programs suitable for their work, at least once a year. Additionally, the bank must ensure that department staff are well-versed in customer service skills, the bank’s products and services, and the regulations and instructions governing the relationship between customers and the bank.