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Article 50

No: 2/MFC Date(g): 24/2/2013 | Date(h): 14/4/1434

Effective from 2013-03-08 - Mar 07 2013
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 1.The internal audit department must prepare and submit to audit committee a written report on its work at least quarterly. This report must include the scope of the audit, all findings and recommendations. It must also include the procedures taken by each department in respect of the findings and recommendations of the previous auditing and any related observations, especially if they have not been settled on time and the reasons for their unsettlement.
 2.The internal audit department must prepare and submit to the audit committee a written general report on all audits in a fiscal l year, compared with the approved plan and stating any gaps or deviation from the plan, if any. This report shall be submitted within the first quarter following the end of the relevant fiscal year.