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Article 43

No: MSHT/82 Date(g): 10/12/2019 | Date(h): 13/4/1441

Effective from 2019-12-10 - Dec 09 2019
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The compliance department must ensure the Consumer Microfinance Company’s compliance with applicable laws, regulations and instructions. It shall particularly perform the following tasks: 
 1.identify and deal with all compliance risks and monitor all relevant developments;
 2.analyze new procedures, policies and operations and suggest procedures to address relevant compliance risks;
 3.follow a risk-based compliance program and include its findings in the report referred to in Article (41) of these Rules;
 4.collect compliance-related complaints and formulate written guidance to staff, where necessary;
 5.draft internal policies and procedures to combat financial crimes, such as money laundering and terrorism financing;
 6.monitor compliance with anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing laws, regulations, and rules;
 7.promote awareness of compliance issues and provide training to employees on compliance-related matters through periodic programs; and
 8.immediately report to SAMA and the audit committee in case of revealing any irregularities or violations.