Book traversal links for Article 28
Article 28
Effective from 2019-12-10 - Dec 09 2019
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A Consumer Microfinance Company must establish appropriate written organizational policies that includes work manuals and workflow procedures. Those policies must be kept up to date on a regular basis and they must be communicated to the concerned staff in a suitable and timely manner. The organizational policies must include rules for at least the following: | ||
1. | the organizational and operational structure, decision making and responsibilities; | |
2. | credit granting and operations; | |
3. | financial management and accounting; | |
4. | marketing and sales; | |
5. | information technology and security; | |
6. | customer service and collection; | |
7. | risk management, assessment, treatment, control and disclosure; | |
8. | internal supervision system; | |
9. | internal audit; | |
10. | committing to the related laws, regulations and instructions; | |
11. | outsourcing; and | |
12. | salaries, bonuses and incentives, including the salaries of members of Senior Management and staff and their motivation and remuneration of the Board and its committees. |