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7.9 Return Payment Rules

No: 42068309 Date(g): 5/5/2021 | Date(h): 24/9/1442 Status: In-Force

Effective from 2021-05-05 - May 04 2021
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The receiving Direct Participants shall perform the following validation checks, for returned cross-currency payment messages: 
Any Payment being returned must be returned as a single message,
The Payment Reference in field 72 is the same as the Reference in the original payment,
Only one successful return payment is allowed for each received payment message,
The payment must be returned within a maximum of 2 business days from the date of receiving the original payment message when both countries (sending and receiving) have business day simultaneously,
The payment currency code and amount in the return payment must be the same as those in the original payment message,
The exchange rate in the return payment must be the same as the exchange rate in the original payment message received by the return message creator's party,
The instructed currency code and amount in the return payment must be the same as those in the original payment message received by the return message creator's party,
The presence of original direct payment reference is checked in Central Component database and Return is rejected if
 oThe original direct credit reference is not found, or,
 oThe return is greater than two business days
 oA successful Return has already been accepted by the Central Component
 oEither of the currency amounts, currency code or exchange rate do not match the original payment