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B. Definitions

No: 41027017 Date(g): 15/12/2019 | Date(h): 18/4/1441

Effective from 2019-12-15 - Dec 14 2019
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3.Unless otherwise stated, the key terms used in this document are set out below.
Banking agentA legal entity authorized by Saudi Central Bank to provide a financial services on behalf of the commercial bank based on the Regulation of Agent Banking (circular No. 37541/67 dated 1440/06/15 H).
Board or Board Directorsa)In the case of an institution incorporated in Saudi Arabia, the of board of Directors.
 b)In the case of an institution incorporated outside Saudi Arabia, a local board, a management committee or body beyond local management empowered with oversight and supervision responsibilities for the institution in Saudi Arabia.
Customer data Any information or document relating to the affairs or account of a customer (whether held physically or electronically and whether held by the Banks themselves or by Third Party Service Provider on their behalf).
Financial dataAll financial data including books of accounts, general and sub-ledger, financial statements and various financial data other than Customer Data.
InsourcingAn arrangement where a Bank is utilizing personnel provided under a contract with a Third Party Service Provider to undertake certain functions within or outside the Bank's premises, under its direct supervision, control and management.
Material outsourcing   Outsourcing of a function or activity that has the potential, if disrupted, to have a material impact on the bank's business operations or its ability to manage risks effectively. The materiality can be assessed by taking the following into consideration:
 a)The financial and operational impact and impact on reputation of a failure of the third party service provider to perform over a given period.
 b)The cost of the outsourcing arrangement as a share of total cost of operations. 
 c)The degree of difficulty, including the time taken, in finding an alternative third party service provider or bringing the business function or activity in-house.
 d)The ability of the bank to meet regulatory requirements if there are problems with the third party service provider.
 e)potential losses to the bank's customers and other affected parties in the event of a third party service provider failure.
 f)Affiliation or other relationship between the bank and the third party service provider.
 g)Sharing any customer data whether it is personal, financial or credit.
 h)Sharing any non-published financial data with a third party service provider.
 i)The complexity of the outsourced function or activity i.e., the number of the party that have been involving in the function or the activity include subcontracting.
OutsourcingInvolves a bank entering into an arrangement with another party (both domestic and Foreign) to perform, on a continuing basis, a business function or activity which currently is, or could be, undertaken by the bank itself.
OverseasEntities located outside of Saudi Arabia and subject to laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which they are located.
Third-party service providerAn entity undertaking the outsourced activity on behalf of the Banks. (Head Offices and Related entities of Foreign Bank Branches operating in KSA are not considered as Third-Party Service Providers)