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4.1.4 Receiving RPG

No: 42068309 Date(g): 5/5/2021 | Date(h): 24/9/1442 Status: In-Force

Effective from 2021-05-05 - May 04 2021
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The Receiving RPG, operated by that country's NCB, receives payment messages from the AFAQ Service CC, decrypts the sensitive data, translates the messages into the format required by the Receiving Domestic RTGS system and forwards the messages to the Receiving Domestic RTGS.

Any data not included in the message from the Receiving RPG to the Receiving Domestic RTGS system is retained and available in the Receiving RPG. Receiving Direct Participants and Receiving NCBs have access to this data.

The Receiving RPG also processes Payment Completion Confirmation messages from the Receiving Domestic RTGS, matches them with the previously sent payment messages and transmits the Completion Confirmation to the AFAQ Service CC.