Book traversal links for Article 30
Article 30
Effective from 2022-04-26 - Oct 22 2022
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1. | The Company shall prepare a quarterly risk report to be discussed by the risk and credit management committee and the board of directors. The report shall include at least the following: | |
a. | A comprehensive review of risk development and performance of financial positions exposed to market price risks. | |
b. | Amounts of financing assets owned by the company and the value of the collaterals covering the assets. | |
c. | Term cost mismatch risk between financing assets and source of refinancing. | |
d. | Total delinquencies. | |
e. | Portfolio concertation risk. | |
f. | Changes to assumptions and parameters which form the basis of risk assessment procedures. | |
g. | The extent of limits granted, external credit lines, and non-performing loans, which shall be listed and commented on. | |
h. | An analysis of the situations in which permissible limits are exceeded and a description of the reasons and risk provisions in the Company. | |
i. | Exposures to bonds, sukuk, securities and any other financial derivative products. | |
j. | Any major financing decisions that are inconsistent with the Company’s strategies or policies. | |
2. | The Company shall provide SAMA with the report referred to in Paragraph (1) of this Article, after being discussed and approved by the risk and credit management committee and the board, along with the decisions made in this regard. |