Book traversal links for Article 27
Article 27
Effective from 2022-04-26 - Oct 22 2022
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1. | At least 50% of all employees must be Saudi nationals when the Company starts operations. The percentage applies to all departments and organizational levels. |
2. | The percentage of Saudi nationals of total human resources shall be annually increased by 5% of all employees until it reaches 75%. Furthermore, SAMA may determine the minimum annual increase required thereafter. |
3. | Recruitment of non-Saudis in the Company shall be limited to positions that require expertise not available in the Saudi labor market. |
4. | Priority for appointment to senior positions shall be given to Saudi candidates. If the Company nominates a non-Saudi candidate to be appointed or interim appointed to a senior position, the Company shall provide justifications for the nomination, demonstrate the non availability of a qualified Saudi candidate for the position, develop and include an approved plan for replacement in the written no-objection request submitted to SAMA. The plan shall include the procedures, programs and courses the Company uses and conducts to train and qualify Saudi candidates for such positions as well as the time period required. |