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300.1.5.3 Private Foundations
No: 65681/67 | Date(g): 3/7/2019 | Date(h): 1/11/1440 | Status: In-Force |
Effective from Jan 01 2024 - Dec 31 2023
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The bank may open accounts only in Saudi riyal for private foundations licensed by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD). The following requirements and controls shall be met and applied:
a. Requirements and controls for opening and managing main bank accounts:
- Requirements for opening main account:
1. | A copy of the license issued to the private foundation by the MHRSD, or a copy of the approval of His Majesty the King where the entity is approved as per a royal order. |
2. | Copies of the IDs of members of trustee board. |
3. | A copy of the foundation's bylaws. |
4. | A copy of the trustee board’s authorization, which specifies the Saudi persons authorized to open and manage the foundation’s bank account; such authorization shall allow for joint signature by two officials. One of them should be the board chairman or vice-chairman, and the other the financial officer. Should the trustee board wish to authorize person(s) other than those mentioned above, the approval of the MHRSD shall be obtained. |
5. | Approval of the manager of compliance department for opening the account shall be sought. |
- Controls for managing the main account:
1. | Private foundations are not allowed to carry out any cash dealings. Withdrawal from the foundation’s main account shall be made under dual control. |
2. | If disbursement is made by a check, the check shall be payable to the first beneficiary. |
3. | Transfers made to the bank accounts of beneficiaries of material support inside Saudi Arabia only. The transfer forms shall be filled out by the persons authorized to sign for the main account. In addition, the transfers shall be monitored by the bank to ensure that they go in line with the nature of the charitable foundation’s activities. |
4. | ATM cards and/or credit cards shall not be issued. |
5. | The private foundation may accept gifts and bequests. However, such foundation shall not receive donations, unless the approval of the MHRSD is obtained. As such, the bank shall perform due diligence to verify the sources of funds. |
6. | The private foundation shall not send remittances or issue checks to beneficiaries outside Saudi Arabia, except for transferring money for the purpose of managing the foundation’s activities. For example, remittance for paying fees of consulting services or of participation in external symposiums, conferences and the like may be made after the bank obtains the official approval therefor from the MHRSD and the supervisory authority. |
7. | The private foundation may invest its funds. |
b. Requirements and controls for opening and managing sub-accounts for expenses:
The bank may open one sub-account in Saudi riyal for each of the foundation’s branches that operate inside or outside the city where the foundation’s headquarters is located. Such sub-account shall be used only for "expenses", transferred to it from the main account. The following requirements and controls shall be met and applied:
- Requirements for opening sub-accounts for expenses:
1. | Approval of the MHRSD for opening a sub-account for expenses. |
2. | A copy of the approval of the MHRSD and the supervisory authority for establishing the branch for which a sub-account is to be opened. |
3. | Approval of the MHRSD on the Saudi persons authorized to manage the foundation’s bank account (with joint signature). The persons authorized to manage the account shall not be changed without obtaining the approval of the MHRSD therefor. |
4. | Copies of the IDs of persons authorized to mange the account, attested by the head office of the private foundation. |
5. | Approval of the manager of compliance department at the bank for opening a sub-account for expenses. |
- Controls for managing expense sub-accounts:
1. | Only one expense sub-account may be opened for each branch of the foundation, regardless of the number of the branch’s activities, programs and services and regardless of the branch’s other sub-accounts in other banks. | |
2. | The branch’s expense sub-account is considered a subordinate account under the main account of the private foundation. | |
3. | The branch’s expense sub-account shall be named “Branch of... Private Foundation in (City)-Expense Subaccount”. | |
4. | The expense sub-account shall be opened in the same bank where the foundation’s main account is opened. | |
5. | Deposits in the expense sub-account shall be limited only to funds received from the main account of the private foundation under a check, bank transfer, etc. No deposit of any funds in the expense sub-account shall be accepted other than the periodic advances coming from the main account. | |
6. | Disbursements from the expense sub-account shall be limited to the following: | |
■ | Personal and bank checks withdrawn only by the first beneficiary. | |
■ | Transfers made to the bank accounts of beneficiaries of material support inside Saudi Arabia only. The transfer forms shall be filled out by the persons authorized to sign for the expense sub-account. In addition, the transfers shall be monitored by the bank to ensure that they go in line with the nature of the branch’s activities. | |
■ | Paying salaries of the foundation branch’s staff. | |
■ | Paying utility bills and government invoices. | |
7. | ATM cards and/or credit cards shall not be issued for the expense account. |
- Civil Society Organizations established pursuant to royal orders:
Bank accounts may be opened for Civil Society Organizations established pursuant to royal orders as follows: | |
1. | A copy of the approval from His Majesty the King for the establishment of the civil society organization. |
2. | A copy of the articles of association of the organization. |
3. | A copy of the decision of forming the members of trustee board and verifying the identity of the members. |
4. | Copies of the IDs of individuals authorized to manage and operate the bank account, with verification of their authorization by identifying them in a decision by the Board of Trustees. The signature should be joint for two officials, unless the organization's articles of association state otherwise. |
5. | Any transactions (e.g. remittance, collection of checks, etc.) outside Saudi Arabia may be made after verifying that these transactions align with the activity or main purpose for which the organization was established, as per its articles of association. |
6. | No transactions (e.g. remittance, collection of checks, etc.) outside Saudi Arabia shall be made for an organization if it is evident that the transaction does not align with its activity or main purpose under its articles of association, except for transferring money for the purpose of managing the organization’s activities. For example, remittance for paying fees of consulting services or of participation in external symposiums, conferences and the like may be made after obtaining approval from the National Center for Non-Profit Sector. |
• Family funds:
The bank may open accounts only in Saudi riyal for family funds. The requirements are as follows: | |
1. | A letter from the chairman of the trustee board of the family fund (or their authorized representative) to the bank in which the account is to be opened clearly indicating the purpose of opening the account. |
2. | A copy of the license issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development. |
3. | A copy of the fund's bylaws. |
4. | A copy of the trustee board formation decision and copies of board members’ IDs. |
5. | The bank account shall be managed by a joint signature of at least two persons: one shall be the chairman or the vice-chairman of the trustee board, and the other shall be the financial officer (principal signature). The trustee board may authorize two of its members or two senior Saudi managers of its executive management to manage the bank account, subject to the approval of the Minister or their authorized representative. |
6. | disbursement from the fund shall be in accordance with the methods and conditions stipulated in the fund's bylaws. |
7. | The family fund may accept funds, gifts, bequests, Zakat and subscriptions (if any) from its founders and family members only, provided that the bank obtains a pledge from the chairman of the fund’s trustee board to comply with this requirement. |
8. | The family fund is allowed to invest its money according to the provisions stipulated in the fund’s bylaws. |
9. | The family funds are not allowed to make any transfers or issue bank or personal checks to parties outside Saudi Arabia. |
10. | Approval of the director of the compliance department for opening the account. |
• Charitable activities of (civil and military) government bodies:
The bank may open accounts only in Saudi riyal for charitable activities of (civil or military) government bodies. The following requirements and controls shall be met and applied: | |
1. | The bank shall obtain, through SAMA, the approval of the Ministry of Finance for opening a bank account or for maintaining the operation of an existing account, if the account’s funds (or part of them) are from public funds. |
2. | The bank shall receive a request from the ultimate authority in the government body carrying out the charitable activity or the person he/she authorizes to open the account, if the account’s funds are not from public funds. |
3. | The bank shall receive from the ultimate authority or his/her authorized representative a letter containing the names of the persons authorized to manage the bank account (by joint signature), provided that such authorized persons are Saudi employees of the same government body. |
4. | Such government body shall not raise funds or accept donations, aids or gifts from anyone except from its staff. |
5. | Deposits are accepted in cash, by checks, and through domestic direct transfer. In addition, deposits can be carried out using ATMs, Internet or credit cards. In all deposits, depositor’s information shall be obtained. |
6. | No ATM cards and/or remittance membership shall be issued/granted for the account. |
7. | The government body wishing to open such bank account shall undertake that the beneficiaries of such account are from its staff and their families. |
8. | Disbursement from the account shall be made by checks payable to the first beneficiary, or via wire transfer from the main account to the first beneficiary’s account. |
9. | Sub-accounts under the main account may be opened. Sub-accounts shall be used only for receiving deposits and making transfers to the main account. Checkbooks shall not be issued for such sub-accounts. Moreover, neither withdrawal nor transfer from these sub-accounts shall be allowed except to the main account. |
10. | Approval of the manager of compliance department for opening the account shall be sought. |