Book traversal links for Article 9: Agent Eligibility
Article 9: Agent Eligibility
Effective from 2019-02-20 - May 02 2019
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1. | The Agent must be licensed to practice its commercial activity before the Bank applies for SAMA’s non-objection to the Agent to be contracted as a banking Agent. | |
2. | The following entities are eligible for appointment as Agents under this Regulation: | |
a. | Companies, except for commercial banks and finance companies, without prejudice to Companies Law; | |
b. | Post offices; | |
c. | SME businesses, such as chain stores; | |
d. | Mobile network operator agents; | |
e. | Foreign licensed companies registered through SAGIA; and | |
f. | Any other entities that SAMA may prescribe. | |
3. | The entity must not have been classified as a non-performing borrower by any banks in the last 12 months preceding the date of signing the contract (such information having been obtained from a licensed credit bureau). The Agent must maintain this status for the whole period of engaging in Agent Banking business. | |
4. | It is necessary to have appropriate physical infrastructure and human resources to provide the Agent Banking services required. |