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Article 58
No: 000044093096 | Date(g): 13/6/2023 | Date(h): 24/11/1444 | Status: In-Force |
Translated Document
Effective from Jun 13 2023 - Jun 12 2023
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- The payment service user may terminate the framework contract at any time, unless the parties agree on a notice period for termination, which period may not exceed thirty calendar days.
- The payment service provider may not amend the terms of the framework contract and the fees and costs stipulated therein, unless the framework contract stipulates the requirements for amending the same.
- The payment service provider may change the fees associated with variable prices - such as exchange rates - without notifying the payment service user, provided that the same is stipulated in the framework contract, and on the basis of an agreed-upon reference price, which is available to the payment service user.
- The payment service provider shall notify the payment service user at least thirty days in advance of any changes to the framework contract, while preserving the right of the payment service user to terminate the framework contract during the notice period without any cost, unless a termination fee is agreed upon in the framework contract.