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Article 32
No: 000044093096 | Date(g): 13/6/2023 | Date(h): 24/11/1444 | Status: In-Force |
Translated Document
Effective from Jun 13 2023 - Jun 12 2023
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1. | The licensee shall appoint an external auditor to carry out the external audit, taking into account the necessity of obtaining a letter of no objection from SAMA before appointing the external auditor, and it is also necessary to change the external auditor on a five-year basis. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
2. | The external auditor shall be accredited by the competent authorities in the Kingdom and shall not have a conflict of interest when working for the licensee. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
3. | The licensee shall verify that the terms and conditions of the agreement with the external auditor include the external auditor’s obligation to take the following measures - as a minimum:
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4. | SAMA may request the external auditor to perform any of the following duties – including but not limited to:
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5. | SAMA may instruct the licensee to dismiss the external auditor and appoint a replacement for him at the licensee’s expense in the event that it does not approve the performance of the external auditor. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
6. | The licensee shall attach the reports of the external auditor, drawn up in accordance with this Article to the balance sheet, profit and loss account, financial statements of the licensee or the consolidated financial statements, in addition to submitting copies of these reports to SAMA in the form and period specified by the latter. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
7. | The licensee shall ensure that the terms and conditions of the agreement with the external auditor include an obligation for the external auditor to notify SAMA - immediately - if it notes that any of the following matters may occur:
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8. | The report submitted under Paragraph [7] of this Article shall not be considered a breach of any restrictions imposed on disclosure under any applicable laws or regulations or applicable contractual terms. The external auditor and his employees shall not bear responsibility for any conduct, fault or loss arising from the disclosure, provided that he discloses - in good faith - the following matters to SAMA:
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9. | The licensee shall instruct the external auditor concerned in accordance with this Article not to disclose any information obtained by him in the course of his work to any person other than the licensee or SAMA, unless the same is required under the provisions of the Regulations or under any relevant laws, regulations or decisions. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
10. | The licensee or any of his employees’ performance of any of the following actions - or conspiring with third parties to do so – shall be considered a violation of the provisions of the Regulations: