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Article 18

No: M/36 Date(g): 26/11/2020 | Date(h): 11/4/1442

Effective from Mar 10 2021 - Mar 09 2021
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1.The Bank’s accounts shall be audited by an external auditor, or more, who must be technically qualified and have expertise in Bank activities. Said auditor shall directly report to the Board and submit his reports thereto.
2.The external auditor’s duties shall be limited to auditing the Bank’s accounts and financial statements and may not interfere, in any manner, with Bank management or policies.
3.The external auditor shall have the right to access the Bank’s books, records, and documents, and may request any data he deems necessary to carry out his duties. If the auditor is unable to gain access to such data, he shall report the same to the Board.