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Article 11

No: M/36

Effective from Nov 26 2020 - Mar 09 2021
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1.The Board shall convene every three months upon the call of its Chairman; it may also convene whenever necessary upon the call of its Chairman or at the request of at least three members.
2.A Board meeting shall only be valid if attended by the majority of its members, provided the Chairman or  Vice-Chairman is present.
3.Board decisions shall be passed by majority vote of attending members. In case of a tie, the chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote. Voting may be carried out electronically.
4.The Board may invite experts and specialists from among Bank staff or others to attend its meetings in a non-voting capacity to provide advice, data, or clarifications as requested by the Board.
5.The Board shall appoint a secretary from among Bank staff, and shall determine his duties, remuneration, and term of appointment.
6.Board decisions and meeting minutes shall be recorded and shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting, attending members, and the secretary.