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Article 9

No: M/36 Date(g): 26/11/2020 | Date(h): 11/4/1442

Effective from Mar 10 2021 - Mar 09 2021
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Any of the Board members referred to in Article 8(1)(c) of this Law shall satisfy the following conditions: 
1.Be a Saudi citizen.
2.Be a qualified and an expert in matters related to the Bank’s activities.
3.Have no criminal record related to crimes impinging on honor or integrity, unless such record has been expunged.
4.Have never been declared bankrupt or insolvent, nor intentionally defaulted on paying his debts.
5.Not hold any position or job with a public entity or a financial institution, nor serve as an auditor thereof.
6.Not be an owner or agent of an external auditor’s office.