Completion of Technical Approvals for Launching the Service Enabling Individual Customers to Access Their Bank Account Details
No: 45004804 | Date(g): 7/8/2023 | Date(h): 21/1/1445 |
Translated Document
Effective from 2023-08-07 - Aug 06 2023
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In reference to SAMA Circular No. (42047169) dated 06/07/1442 H, regarding the launch of the “SARIE” instant payments system, and with reference to Saudi Payments' development of the rules for the system to include a service that enables individual customers in all member banks to know their bank accounts, which aims to combat fraud and related risks and protect customers, and the arrangements made in this regard with Saudi Payments.
Therefore, we inform you that all banks must adhere to the following:
- Completing the technical permits and necessary procedures for the above-mentioned service before 12/10/2023G, in coordination with Saudi Payments via email: (
- Launching the service for the bank's individual customers on 10/21/2023G, as stipulated in the rules of the “SARIE” instant payments system.
- Announcing the service through the Bank's various channels to enable individual customers to benefit from it, in coordination with Saudi Payments.
For your information and action accordingly, taking into account compliance with all relevant regulations and instructions.