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Article 38

No: M/20 Date(g): 25/10/2017 | Date(h): 5/2/1439 Status: In-Force

Effective from Nov 04 2017 - Nov 07 2017
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Competent authorities may exchange information with and make inquiries or investigation on behalf of foreign counterparts in countries that are signatories with the Kingdom to valid agreements, , or on the basis of reciprocity. This shall be done pursuant to applicable statutory procedures, without prejudice to the national sovereignty of the country or provisions and customs related to confidentiality of information.


The Public Prosecution may exchange domestically available or accessible information with foreign counterparts for intelligence or investigative purposes relating to money laundering and associated predicate offenses, including for purpose of identifying, tracing or securing proceeds of crime or instrumentalities. The Public Prosecution may use all of its powers available in a domestic case also to conduct inquiries and obtain information on behalf of a foreign counterpart.


Criminal investigating officers, each within their own purview, in coordination with competent authorities may exchange domestically available or accessible information with foreign counterparts for intelligence or investigative purposes relating to money laundering and associated predicate offenses, including for purpose of identifying, tracing or securing proceeds of crime or instrumentalities. Criminal investigating officers may use their powers available in a domestic case also to conduct inquiries and obtain information on behalf of a foreign counterpart; and may form joint intelligence teams to conduct cooperative intelligence, or establish bilateral or multilateral arrangements to enable such joint intelligence.