Chapter 5: Liquidity Requirements
Liquidity Risk Management Plan
27. Every DTFC shall plan and fund its liquidity requirement over specific time periods as set by the DTFC.
28. Every DTFC is required to put in place a Board (or its delegated authority) approved liquidity risk management plan. A liquidity risk management plan shall, as a minimum, address the following:
i. management structures and information systems; ii. measuring and monitoring net funding requirements; iii. contingency funding planning; and iv. internal controls for liquidity management.
Statutory Minimum
29. Every DTFC shall maintain a minimum holding of liquid assets of twenty per cent (20%) of all its deposit liabilities, matured and short-term liabilities.
30. Every DTFC shall also maintain with SAMA at all times a statutory deposits of a sum not less than 4% of deposit liabilities. SAMA may, if it deems it to be in the public interest, vary the aforesaid percentage.
31. The deposit liabilities of a DTFC shall not exceed 15 times its total capital. If the deposits liabilities exceeds this limit, the DTFC must within one month of the date of submission of its liquidity information as per Appendix B, either increase its total capital to the prescribed limit or deposit 50% of the excess deposits with SAMA.
32. Every DTFC shall prepare and submit to SAMA at the end of every month to be received by the 15th business day of the following month, liquidity information to SAMA as set out in Appendix B to these Regulations.
33. Where the date of submission falls on a weekend or a holiday, the deadline shall be the Thursday or the day before the holiday.