Consumer Complaints
The Unified Form for Responding to Complaints Received Through the “SAMACares” System
In reference to the instructions of SAMA under Circular No. 381000107382 dated 01/11/1438 H regarding the application of the service level agreement in handling complaints received through the “SAMACares” system. In view of the observations made during the last period regarding the quality of responses to complaints through the system.
In order for SAMA to quickly process complaints with efficiency and high quality and to contribute to preserving customers’ rights, all financial institutions subject to the supervision and control of SAMA must commit to using the format of the unified form to respond to complaints received through “SAMACares” system in accordance with the response classification as shown in the accompanying form.
SAMA also emphasizes the necessity of developing and activating the work of the Customer Care Department with the relevant departments, including creating and activating a service level agreement that guarantees the speedy handling of complaints within the periods specified in the instructions, and with high quality, and measuring the extent of compliance with this agreement periodically to ensure its effectiveness.
- Complaints received through “SAMACares” system by the customer:
First: If you use the “Missing Documents” feature to study the complaint or inquiry:
Dear customer:
Referring to the complaint submitted by you regarding your objection to (the customer’s complaint is specified in detail):
1. ........
2. ........
We hope that you will kindly provide us with the following documents so that we can complete the necessary work: (All required documents and information that are not available at the financial institution shall be requested)
1. .......
2. .......
Second: To benefit the customer after processing the complaint:
Dear customer:
Referring to the complaint submitted by you regarding your objection to (the customer’s complaint is specified in detail):
1. ......
2. ......
We would like to inform you that the complaint has been handled... (By depositing the objected amount / reversing the amount / settling the contract / rescheduling.... etc., the corrective action shall be clarified, including all details and the date of the action).
(The results of the complaint study shall be clarified and the customer will be provided with documents supporting the handling of the complaint)
We would also like to inform you that we have communicated with you on …………. All your inquiries were answered and you were informed of the above results.
- Complaints escalated to SAMA:
In reference to your request... (All that has been requested to handle the complaint shall be determined by SAMA)....
We would like to inform you that the complaint has been handled...... (The results of examining the complaint shall be explained in detail and a reference shall be made to the text of the paragraph on which it is based in the “Instructions/Contract/Terms and Conditions... etc". The bank’s response shall be supported by documents establishing the validity of the handling in addition to answering SAMA’s note and attaching any requested documents)
We would also like to inform you that we contacted the customer by telephone on...... at ......... He/she was informed of the results of handling the complaint.
Measuring Performance Indicators of Financial Entities
Based on SAMA’s role to protect consumers of financial entities subject to its supervision; with reference to SAMA Circular No. 381000107382 dated 01/11/1438 H, which refers to the launch of the first phase of the “SAMACares” system; and as the circular included that SAMA would, during the second phase of the system, evaluate the work of financial entities according to performance indicators that would be approved later,
Therefore, we would like to emphasize the importance of adhering to the performance indicators described below:
Performance Indicator
Indicator Description
Desired Objective
Customer satisfaction rate with complaints handling Complaints in which customers objected to the financial entity’s response Not less than 80%** Quality ratio of responses of financial institutions to SAMA* Complaints that were closed with more than three correspondences Not more than 97%* Percentage of compliance with the service level agreement Service Level Agreement as per SAMA Circular No. 381000107382 Not less than 95%* Percentage of complaints that were processed and closed in favor of the customer after escalation* Complaints in which the customers’ objection to the financial entity’s response was accepted and were closed in the interest of the customer Not more than 5%** Note that the performance of the financial entities according to these indicators will be monitored on a quarterly basis, starting from 01/01/2018 G, and SAMA expects the Board of Directors to monitor the performance of these indicators and provide full support and the necessary human resources to the relevant departments to ensure compliance.
In order to ensure that the financial entities deal fairly and equitably with customers, SAMA will take legal measures against companies and banks that violate this circular.
*Amended pursuant to Circular No. (42027544) dated 28/04/1442 H
**Amended pursuant to Circular No. (44009296) dated 02/05/1444 H.
SAMACares Announcement
Based on the role of SAMA in promoting the concept of consumer protection of financial entities subject to its supervision, and in continuation of the institution’s efforts to improve the customer experience when dealing with these entities, and the importance of developing the efficiency and effectiveness of handling complaints, we are pleased to inform you of the launch of the "SAMACares" system, which will enable its users to analyze various types of complaints and follow their patterns according to each product and service.
Complaints are considered one of the most important indicators and sources for developing services and products. In order to emphasize customers’ right to submit complaints, we would like to emphasize the necessity of amending policies and procedures to fit the definition of a complaint as "every expression of dissatisfaction related to the service provided, whether justified or unjustified, in writing or verbally"*.
With reference to the controls for handling complaints and related circulars, and to ensure that the statutory periods in handling the complaint are not exceeded, financial entities shall adhere to the “SAMACares” system to implement service levels agreements, which excludes the period during which the complaint is referred to the customer, according to the following periods:
- Responding to complaints received directly from customers within a maximum period of five working days from the date of receipt.
- Responding to customer complaints in which SAMA accepted the customer’s objection to the entity’s response within a maximum period of three working days from the date of requesting the statement.
- Responding to complaints that have been classified by SAMA as being of high importance within two working days from the date of requesting the statement.
Accordingly, SAMA expects you to provide support to the relevant departments with the appropriate powers and the human and material resources necessary to ensure compliance with what was indicated above, provided that the process of analyzing complaints is given priority and adequate attention by senior management, noting that SAMA will evaluate the work of the financial entities according to the following performance indicators:
- Percentage of complaints in which customers objected to the entity’s response.
- Percentage of complaints in which customers’ objection to the entity’s response was accepted.
- Average period of response to complaints according to the classification mentioned in the service level agreement.
- The rate of correspondence between SAMA and the financial entity from accepting the customer’s objection until closing the complaint.**
* According to Circular No. (371000101671) dated 17/09/1437 H.
** For details, refer to SAMA's Circular No. (391000028201) dated 10/03/1439 H, titled “measuring performance indicators of financial entities”.