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  • 4 Scenario Phase

    • 4.1 Overview

      At the beginning of this phase, the Green and White Team should independently provide their available Threat Intelligence (TI) to the Red Team. The Red Teaming provider will combine the received Threat Intelligence, with their own Threat Intelligence (which should be based on their own sources, their experience and earlier executed tests). Based on the combined threat intelligence the Red Team determines the attack scenarios and strategies. These attack scenarios and strategies are than discussed with the Green Team before defining the detailed attack Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs). If necessary, a discussion with Red and White Team should be initiated to further discuss and agree on the final attack scenarios in the light of Green Team comments. 
      The scenario phase usually takes several weeks (maximal five (5) weeks). An overview of the process is depicted below: 
    • 4.2 Threat Intelligence Gathering

      Each of the teams provides their collated threat Intelligence independently. The Green Team will provide (when available) their sector-wide threat intelligence which is known and available via the Member Organizations or incidents. This may include threat intelligence from governmental agencies, which could be relevant to the Member Organization. The White Team should provide the Member Organization's input including specific threat intelligence considered relevant for their business and linked to the internal or external trends or incidents, they identified.

      The Red Teaming Provider will combine the received threat intelligence with their external threat intelligence (including and using their own ‘open' sources), and the intelligence gathered during various red teaming engagements.

    • 4.3 Defining and Approval of High-Level Attack Scenarios

      Based on all received threat intelligence, the Red Team should analyze, outline and create realistic attack scenarios and prepare a test strategy document. Once the scenarios are determined, the attack scenarios and test strategy should be agreed upon before the Red Teaming Provider starts with the creation of the specific attack scenarios.

    • 4.4 Preparing and Approval of Detailed Attack Scenarios

      The detailed attack scenarios should be mapped to one or more critical information assets combining the external, internal (i.e. Member Organization specific) and sector-wide threat intelligence. Each attack scenario should include a written description of the kill chain from the attacker's point of view. The Red Teaming Provider should indicate various attack options, based on various tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) used by experienced testers and attackers. As with the high-level attack scenarios and test strategy, the detailed scenarios have to be agreed with the Green Team.

    • 4.5 Finalizing the Red Teaming Plan

      The final red teaming plan should not only consist of the different attack scenarios that the Red Teaming Provider will perform, but also define the agreed escalation procedures and communication protocols. Given the fact that critical production systems are in scope for the red teaming test, the Red Teaming Provider should be aware and consider how to react in case of any unexpected issues or disruptions. After finalizing the red teaming plan, final approval by the White and Green Team is required before Red Teaming Provider can proceed with executing the attack scenarios.