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  • 3 Preparation Phase

    • 3.1 Overview

      The Green Team initiates the preparation phase of the red teaming exercise by appointing a Test Manager. A Backup Test Manager should also be nominated given the importance of this role.

      The Test Manager is responsible for contacting the Member Organization to explain the red teaming concept and processes. The Test Manager will invite the Member Organization to appoint and formalize their White Team and start contracting the Red Teaming Provider.

      The White Team Leader initiates a kick-off session, where all relevant stakeholders (i.e. Green, White and Red Team) are invited to align the ambition and objectives of the red teaming exercise.

    • 3.2 Green Team: Determining Test Manager

      The Test Manager is a crucial person during the Red Teaming exercise. This person should have extensive experience in project management and in-depth understanding of the banking and cyber security sector.

      The Test Manager of the Green Team should invite the Member Organization to appoint a White Team. During the entire red teaming exercise, the White Team will keep close contact with the Test Manager.

      The Test Manager will oversee the Red Teaming exercise and will provide support, guidance and reflections to ensure that the entire Red Teaming exercise performed by the White Team and Red Teaming Provider is in line with the Framework. As the Test Manager is not a formal part of the White Team, he cannot be held accountable for any actions or consequences.

    • 3.3 Selecting a Red Teaming Provider

      The Green Team will appoint the red team provider, who are pre-selected to execute the Red Teaming tests, based on their experiences and skilled staff. Given the fact, that these ethical hacking tests are carried out on the live production systems, it is crucial that the Red Teaming Provider has a proven track record and has the required skills, expertise, certifications and experienced staff to perform the red teaming test.

      Please refer to Appendix A- Requirements for Red Teaming provider, for more details on Red Teaming provider requirements

    • 3.4 Determining White Team

      The Member Organization should carefully establish a White Team and nominate a White Team Leader in order to facilitate, oversee and lead the red teaming exercises during all phases. The White Team Leader's role is to make sure that the entire Red Teaming exercise is performed in a controlled manner, on behalf of the Member Organization. After establishing the White Team, the White Team Leader needs to coordinate with the appointed Red Teaming Provider for contract and invite the Red Teaming Provider to the kick-off meeting.

    • 3.5 Procuring a Red Teaming Provider

      Upon approval of the Red Teaming Provider by the Green Team, the Member Organization should initiate their procurement process. During the procurement of the Red Teaming Provider, the Member Organization should undertake the following activities: 

      • Agreeing on contractual considerations, e.g. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) clauses, the liability for any consequence flowing from the test, and a Letter of Authorization (LOA);
      • Introduce the Red Team members to the White and Green Team.
      Please refer to Appendix A- Requirements for Red Teaming provider, for more details on Red Teaming provider requirements 
      After the procurement of the Red Teaming Provider, the White Team should start involving the Red Teaming Provider and its identified staff, to ensure their experience and input is fully utilized and that the staff of the Red Teaming Provider is introduced into the business model and services of the Member Organization. 
    • 3.6 Defining the Scope

      During a kick-off session with all relevant stakeholders (Green, White and Red Team), the scope and the target critical information assets (i.e. ‘red flags') should be defined for the attack scenarios. Moreover, the planning of the project is discussed in detail along with the responsibilities for each team. Deliverables and contractual considerations should be discussed during the session. The White Team should determine the flags that should be targeted or attacked.

      The Red Teaming Provider will share their advice and recommendations to the White and Green Team based on their (previous) experience in order to support the scoping discussion.

      Boundaries, limitations and escalation procedure for the red teaming test should be discussed and defined by the White Team with mutual understanding with the Green Team. Another important step is to agree on the liability for the actions of the Red Teaming Provider (see also 3.5).

      The White Team should create a Scoping document. This document should contain contact details of the White Team members and the identified flags (i.e. defined goals or target systems) during the red teaming exercise. This document also contains the overall plan for the exercise, predefined escalation procedures and communication protocols (including the code-name for the test).

      Once the scope is defined by the White Team, the Scoping document should be submitted to the Green Team for approval.