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Article 93

No: 361000090389 Date(g): 15/4/2015 | Date(h): 26/6/1436 Status: In-Force

If the Credit or Charge Card Issuer deems that a Cardholder is liable for all or part of the disputed amount and relevant term cost and fees, it must:

a. Notify the Cardholder of the date when payment is due and the portion of the disputed amount and relevant term cost and fees that the Cardholder is liable for.
b.Report to a Licensed Credit Information Bureau that an account or amount is delinquent because the amount due has remained unpaid after the due date given by the Credit or Charge Card Issuer as defined in the terms and conditions of the Cardholder agreement in force, except for any extension or Grace Period provided by the Card Issuer to the Cardholder.