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Article 60

No: 2/MFC Date(g): 24/2/2013 | Date(h): 14/4/1434
 1.In accordance with the policy and procedures of risk management, approved by the Finance’s Company Board, the Finance must be by collaterals
 2.All collateral must be enforceable and capable of valuation in order to be acceptable. Personal guarantees must be evaluated based on the net assets and/or net earning of the guarantor.*
 3.The value and legal validity of collateral must be assessed prior to the granting of the Finance.
 4.If the value of the collateral is dependent to a substantial degree on the financial situation of a third party or fluctuations and conditions of the market, the collateral must be evaluated on a regular basis, and the procedures stated in the agreement to strengthen those collateral shall be taken when its value decreases. The counterparty risk of the third party must be reviewed as appropriate.
 5.Decisions of the collateral and reserve risks must be made by the control function.

* This paragraph has been amended in accordance with His Excellency the Governor's Decision No. 72/M SH T, dated 20/06/1440H.