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Yaqeen for ID Verification
No: 371000018071 | Date(g): 23/11/2015 | Date(h): 12/2/1437 |
Translated Document
Referring to the (Yaqeen) service provided by Elm Company for electronically verifying customer identities without the need to visit the bank unless there is a change in the data.
We inform you that the bank can benefit from the (Yaqeen) service as an additional option for electronically verifying customer identities according to the following instructions:
- | The service is optional for the bank, and customer approval must be obtained in advance to access identity information electronically without any additional fees for the customer. |
- | The (Yaqeen) service can be utilized without violating the bank's periodic update requirements. |
- | Provide the institution with any feedback or suggestions during the initial phases of implementing the service. |
It is worth noting that the bank can also complete the procedures for verifying customer identities and the printed documents submitted by them after renewing their identities via the Ministry of Interior's website.