Raising Customer Awareness of the "Tamweel" Portal Approved by the General Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises (Monsha'at)
No: 45035463 | Date(g): 16/12/2023 | Date(h): 4/6/1445 |
Translated Document
Referring to SAMA circular No. (41051780) dated 1441/08/08H and No. (43104408) dated 26/12/1443H regarding the "Tamweel" electronic portal approved by the General Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises (Monsha'at). These circulars emphasize encouraging financing entities to provide their services to entrepreneurs and owners of micro, small, and medium enterprises through the "Tamweel" electronic portal.
Accordingly, SAMA reiterates the instructions outlined in the aforementioned circulars, emphasizing the necessity of guiding customers who are entrepreneurs and owners of micro, small, and medium enterprises—if their financing requests are denied for any reason—to refer to the "Tamweel" electronic portal. They should submit a new application to benefit from the services offered through the portal, finding alternative financing solutions and opportunities. This approach contributes to enhancing competition among financing entities, presenting financing offers to these enterprises across various geographical regions, and thereby increasing their contribution to the national economy.
For your information and compliance.