Obtaining an ID for Legal Entities from Approved Operating Units
No: 196360000067 | Date(g): 20/11/2019 | Date(h): 23/3/1441 | Status: In-Force |
Translated Document
Further to SAMA's instructions communicated by Circular No. 46076/41 dated 19/10/1439 H, which includes A legal Entity Identifier Should Be Obtained from the Approved Local Operating Units.
Given the importance of the LEI to contribute to maintaining financial stability, assessing risks and monitoring dealers in the financial sector, SAMA emphasizes on the following:
- All financial institutions supervised by SAMA and their affiliates must obtain an LEI from an operating unit accredited by the Legal Entity Identifier International Foundation (GLEIF).
- Branches of foreign financial institutions operating in the Kingdom and subject to SAMA supervision must obtain an identifier independent from the head office.
For your information and action accordingly, and to provide SAMA with proof of completion of this matter no later than one month from the date hereof for financial institutions that have not previously notified SAMA thereof."