Adherence to Regulations and Instructions on Cash Movement and Security Safety
No: 558960000067 | Date(g): 12/5/2019 | Date(h): 8/9/1440 | Status: In-Force |
Translated Document
Further to SAMA Circular No. 381000101035 dated 09/10/1438 H regarding contracting with cash transfer companies and using high-specification security bags, and SAMA Circular No. 361000156181 dated 25/12/1436 H concerning the necessity of adhering with the regulations and instructions related to the movement of money and the security safety manual, as well as SAMA Circular No. 15475/MAT/306 dated 12/04/1428 H regarding the regulation of cash transfer between local banks and licensed money exchangers, and SAMA Circular No. 49302/M AT/940 dated 22/12/1428 H which includes the Law of transporting money, precious metals, and negotiable instruments issued by Royal Decree No. M/81 dated 1428/10/18 H.
Therefore, SAMA emphasizes the necessity to review and comply with the provisions of these regulations and instructions issued in this regard, and what is stated in the security safety manual and the specific requirements for vehicles used for transporting cash and items of value exceeding 200,000 Riyals. Anyone found to be transporting money or receiving transferred cash in an irregular manner will be subject to legal penalties.