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3.2.3 Deductibles
Status: In-Force |
One of the major "revolutions" which has taken place in the bank insurance industry globally has been in the area of retention find deductible levels. Many banks have realized that retaining and financing significant portions of their operational risk exposure simply makes good business sense. No longer can insurance be used as a substitute for sound management and loss control. Generally deductibles should be used to eliminate coverage for, losses that are apt to occur with some degree of regularity. For example, when purchasing employee infidelity coverage under the BBB/FIB, the deductible level for employee dishonesty should be set sufficiently high to eliminate low level theft of cash by tellers and ATM technicians which occur rather frequently.
There are two primary types of deductibles:
Straight Deductible - This is a flat amount that is subtracted from each loss. The sum insured is then paid over and above this amount of retention.
Aggregate Deductible - These types of deductible protect against a series of losses which, in total, may exceed the amount which can be safely assumed by the bank. Often written in conjunction with a straight deductible, this "stop loss" protection limits the total amount of losses to be absorbed to a specific amounts An aggregate deductible may apply annually or during a specified policy period, may limit the amount to be retained by the accumulation of a number of deductibles, or it may require that claims in total exceed specified amount before coverage is afforded.
While many approaches have been devised by both insurers and insiders to determine the "correct" level of deductible, the most commonly used method is to calculate the deductible as a percent of total assets. The rationale behind this approach being that the larger the institution in terms of asset base, the better its capability to absorb losses without resorting to insurance. Currently. the factor used by many underwriters in determining the minimum deductible level is approximately .0005% of total assets. Thus, using this factor as a guide, a bank with assets greater than SR 60 billion should, as a minimum, be retaining approximately SR 3 million loss as its deductible for BBB/FIB, EEC, D&O, and PI coverages, with a negotiated deductible of SR 5 million as being optimal from the insurers standpoint.