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Guidance Template for Responding to Requests in Item One

No: 391000079052 Date(g): 3/4/2018 | Date(h): 18/7/1439 Status: In-Force

Effective from 2018-04-03 - Apr 02 2018
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Subject: Request for Banking Information


Dear Sir/Madam,                                                                                                                       

To: [Name of the Entity]

We refer to your letter No. [.....................] dated [.....................] regarding the request for (information/documents [.....................] as requested) concerning [..................], ID Number ([.....................]).

We inform you that the instructions issued by the Central Bank under Circular No. [.....................] dated [.......................] stipulate that Article (58) of the Executive Regulations of the Criminal Procedure Law states that "The seizure of funds and balances held by banks, their attachment, and inquiries about them during the investigation phase shall be made through a request directed to the Central Bank by the head of the Public Prosecution branch in the region or by an authorized authority." Additionally, the provisions of the Enforcement Law and its Executive Regulations, as well as the Sharia Procedures Law, grant judicial authorities the power to request disclosure of banking relationships and information concerning bank clients and their attachment through the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority. Furthermore, the telegram from His Royal Highness the Minister of Interior, No. 89853 dated 1436/6/30 AH, confirmed that requests for information, documents, disclosure of banking relationships and accounts, or their attachment must be made through the institution upon request from the Public Prosecution in criminal cases or from judicial authorities in civil cases. Requests from other government entities authorized under their regulations for information not related to criminal or civil cases must be directed from the entity itself to the Central Bank directly, provided that the request is relevant to the entity's activities and based on objective facts and circumstances.

Therefore, we hope you understand that providing the requested (information/documents) will be in accordance with the aforementioned instructions.

Best regards,
