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SAMA Regulatory Rulebook is a platform that aims to assist the regulated entities to access SAMA regulatory content adeptly and efficiently.
SAMA Regulatory Rulebook is still on its development and soft launch stage. SAMA is not liable for its contents and does not warrant or represent that (the Services related to the platform, information or material presented in the platform) is displayed free of any inaccuracies, omissions, or errors (“Faults”). SAMA accepts no liability for any loss, claim or damage resulting from any use of the platform, and any decisions made, or actions taken based on the information contained in or generated by the platform.
SAMA Regulatory Rulebook has no legal effect and it does not aim to amend or revoke any legal provisions. The Rulebook still Contains some documents under review, including translated versions. Therefore, SAMA Regulatory content circulated through SAMA official channels remains in force.
Without prejudice to the terms of use of SAMA website Hereby, you acknowledge that any illegal, unauthorized use and/or any breach of any of these provisions may result in legal actions against you.
The competent court may reduce the punishments prescribed under this Law, provided that imprisonment punishment shall not be less than the half of the minimum sentence prescribed, and the fine punishment shall not be less than half of the limit prescribed, if the perpetrator informs competent authorities, of information that could not have been reached at in other ways. This is to help in:
Prevent the commitment of any crime stipulated in this law.
Identify others accomplices of the crime or their legal persecution.
Obtain evidence.
Avoid the effects of the crime or reducing them.
Deprive terrorist entities or terrorists form having access to funds or prevent their control over them.