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VII Ongoing Monitoring of Positions Vis-À-Vis HLIs

No: 16609/BCI/710 Date(g): 9/3/1999 | Date(h): 22/11/1419 Status: In-Force

Effective from Mar 09 1999 - Mar 08 1999
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A bank dealing with HLIs should effectively monitor HLI creditworthiness and the development of its exposure to HLI counterparties. Banks should assess HLI risk profiles and risk management capabilities frequently, while considering the potential for stressed-market conditions. 
Given the speed with which HLIs can change their risk profile, banks should conduct reviews of counterparty credit quality of material HLI exposures on a frequent basis, at least quarterly. Additional reviews should be triggered by significant increases in exposure or market volatility. With respect to HLIs, effective monitoring tools should go beyond monthly changes in net asset value and crude balance-sheet measures. There should be detailed quantitative information about risk, for instance VaR numbers supplemented with internal stress testing results. Banks should conduct regular reviews of HLI risk management capabilities. In addition, banks should have a proper understanding of concentrations of risk, including their own exposures to HLIs as a group as well as the risk concentration facing HLIs themselves. 
Effective collateral management systems are important for monitoring and limiting counterparty credit exposures. Banks should ensure that collateral management systems capture all counterparty positions, that such positions and related collateral are marked to market on at least a daily basis, and that payment and receipt of (additional) collateral is conducted in a timely manner. Haircuts that apply to the various types of securities that are accepted as collateral should be revised on a regular basis, taking into account price volatility, liquidity and credit quality developments. Where banks focus on limiting credit risk resulting from OTC derivatives positions by timely collateralisation, they should monitor the unsecured part of the exposure (including PFE) particularly closely, taking into account the counterparty’s ability to meet future collateral demands. Since OTC derivatives exposures often make up a large part of the total exposure to HLIs, assessing the ability to provide additional collateral when required and setting meaningful credit limits based on such assessments may be especially relevant in dealings with HLIs. 
Finally, ongoing exposure monitoring should incorporate the results of periodic stress testing of counterparty credit exposures that takes into account the interaction between market, credit and liquidity risks (Section IV). Such stress testing results should be included in senior management reports and provide sufficient information to trigger risk-reducing actions where necessary.